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BR52 Kriegslok
Every so often there’s a project that takes a while to reach completion, Trumpeter’s massive BR52 is a case in point...

It’s a big kit with over 700 parts & when finished is nearly a metre long. So you need plenty of bench space but also a good dose of patience to see it through, even if making it “out of the box”.

That’s not to say that the kit is in any way lacking, it is just sooo big! With that in mind, the plan was not to add any upgrade sets or brass but just use what came supplied in the box.

As a result, construction began in 2008 and was completed soon after. But whereas construction was relatively swift, painting it took a little longer. In fact, it still isn’t quite 100% finished. But as we intend to document the painting process in a build video soon, we thought we’d give you a preview of how the model was painted. Once the finishing touches are complete, we’ll release the video.

One thing is for sure, the BR52 Kriegslokomotiv is an attractive subject & this model (Trumpeter Ref: 00210) is still one of the most exciting kit releases of recent years. It’s even more appealing when you consider the potential for trying different weathering & painting effects.

That’s exactly what this build was all about. Our Kriegslok was to be a test bed for different effects & finishes. In the process it enabled us to showcase the variety of painting techniques stage-by-stage on a very large subject.

So take a look at some of the photos & stand by for our forthcoming video release.

BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
BR52 Kriegslok
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