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Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
The great thing about model making is finding out about new techniques, like how to strip paint using Fairy Power Spray.

We first heard about removing paint using household products via an internet video, so we decided to try it out. We’ll be making our own “How To” video soon, as we felt it would be useful to modellers. We also had the perfect model to strip.

Our GMC 2.5t CCKW model was being used for one of our other video projects. The only problem was the spray can primer we used wasn’t properly mixed. Either that, or the can was too cold. We’re not exactly sure. Whatever the cause, the result was an unappealing pitted effect on the model. Despite trying to sand it smooth and recoating it with another primer, the “orange peel” pitting stubbornly remained.

So what better candidate to try out the Fairy Power Spray paint stripping method? Whilst we can live with the imperfections on some areas of the model, the cab needed a strip back & so was selected for the test.

It was a simple case of getting hold of the household product from a hardware store & giving it a go. The spray is widely available in the UK & we’re pretty sure an equivalent will be available in most countries.

Just spray the model with a liberal coating & then leave overnight . The foamy spray begins to dry out as it is absorbed into the paint.

To remove the paint just scrub vigorously with a toothbrush. An electric toothbrush will make this task much, much easier. We found that the first application removed about 70% of the paint. If you wash the model under running water, you’ll find the layer of paint starts to peel away a bit more easily.

After another overnight application the cab was stripped of the vast majority of its paint.

Given that the model had been given a pretty think coating of a solvent based primer (Tamiya Grey), then another coat of acrylic primer (Vallejo Grey) plus a couple of top coats & two coats of Varnish, we found the Power Spray worked very well. The plastic is never in danger as it will not be attacked by this method. This leaves you able to make as many applications as necessary to get the model free of paint.

So next time you want to scrub back & start again, Fairy Power Spray is a great option, it’s relatively simple & safe to use & can help you take your kits back to basics. As you can see from some of the photos, Dettol is another household product that works & we'll be trying that in another article.

Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
Fairy Power Spray Paintstrip
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