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Hobby Boss VK1602
Hobbyboss’s VK1602 (Ref: 82460) is an example of how far manufacturers will go to find a new subject for their models.

The VK1602 never even made it beyond the prototype stage. It was one of the numerous paper panzers the Germans devised during World War 2. Named the “Leopard”, it was designed as a reconnaissance tank.

The tank was based on the Pz II Ausf. J which was known as the VK1601. Only 22 of the 1601s were completed. It was the first incarnation of a heavily-armoured reconnaissance AFV. Seven were issued to the 12th Panzer Division & saw service on the Eastern Front.

Its successor, however, never earned any battle honours. A mock-up of the new tank was complete in 1942 with a prototype projected for September of that year. By January 1943 though, the project was cancelled due to cost, excessive weight & the fact that other tanks like the Panther could fulfill the same tasks.

So Hobbyboss is really digging deep to provide the modeller with a replica of a tank that was never even built. But like many of you, we still love these paper panzers even if they rarely made it past the concept stage. They make great subjects for models & modellers have free reign to decorate them however they wish.

Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review

The model comes in a stout box with an attractive illustration on the cover. The moulding is really precise with fine detail throughout. All 8 sprues & hull components are in a pale beige plastic that holds detail well & can be easily worked – the only exception being the tracks.

The tracks are moulded in a brown colour similar to Modelkasten products. They are individually assembled & each link needs to have the two guide teeth glued to it – the price to pay for accuracy – we wouldn’t mind this fastidious approach if it wasn’t for the prominent ejector pin marks on each link which further complicate construction.

Despite that shortcoming, the model goes together really well, with just a bit of filler needed on the hull around the front sprocket drives. It is testament to how far Hobbyboss has come in terms of engineering. In fact, the build is reminiscent of a Tamiya model. You end up with a neat little replica of this baby Panther. All that remains is to choose a colour scheme for your fantasy fighting vehicle....hmmm a coat of red primer might look rather good...

Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
Hobby Boss VK1602 - Review
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