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Who can ignore the legendary 88mm Flak or the 20mm Flakvierling – the Pak40, however, gets less attention – unduly so.
Format: Streaming Media
Duration: 3 minutes 50 seconds
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This gun was the mainstay of the German anti-tank units in World War Two. The propaganda cameras loved the 88s but the 75mm Pak40s were just as busy & almost as effective.

They could take on most Allied armour at most combat ranges & could fire a selection of armour-piercing ammunition.

This powerful gun was designed between 1939 & 1941 by the Rheinmetall arms company.

Experiences on the Eastern Front showed that the Germans badly needed more powerful weapons.

This gun was the answer.

The Pak40 anti-tank gun first saw combat in late 1941 in Russia. By 1943, over 20,000 had been made.

It was a potent weapon with a rate of fire of 14 rounds per minute when manned by a crew of five operating the weapon’s semi-automatic breach.

But it was heavy, meaning an artillery tractor was a necessity for maneouvring the artillery piece.

The gun also found its way onto a number of self-propelled tank destroyers – where it proved equally effective.

This is one fearsome looking gun, so we take a peek at Dragon’s take on the Pak40 in 1:35th Scale. Reference number 6433 is a premium edition model reissue.

That means it’s an upgraded version of an earlier kit, so inside the box you should find everything you’ll need to make a great miniature replica.

This is much more expensive than the other Pak 40s out there, but it is a very complete offering & should give you all you need to make a detailed replica of this impressive anti-tank gun. Watch this film to see what we mean!

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