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Resicast Steerable Axles
Every now & then a little something arrives to make your life easier - like steerable replacement axles for your models.

Resicast of Belgium are well-known & well-respected when it comes to resin upgrade sets & bespoke kits. All those years of casting experience translates into a range of useful & very finely-made products.

One idea that caught our eye was their selection of simple steerable axle sets.

Often just containing nothing more than a new axle with ball ends & connecting linkages, you can quickly whip off the plastic version supplied with your kit & make something a bit different with minimum fuss.

All too often a kit can look too model-like because the wheels are not steered or set at an angle. It’s funny how just a simple conversion like that instantly heightens the effect of realism on your creations.

Released in 1:35th scale, they can be grafted onto to the donor kit with ease, we ordered a few versions for the Tamiya M8/M20, Jeep & GMC truck.

Moulding is as you would expect – excellent. The axles are easy to detach from the runners & there is very little clean-up. Attaching them is simple too.

We used a set on our GMC build & it posed no problems whatsoever, instantly making our GMC look more operational.

It remains to be seen if you think the outlay is worth it. Some modellers might argue it is a bit of a cop-out to spend cash on such a small “extra”. True, you could do the conversion work yourself. But, if you are hard-pressed & looking for a simple fix – these sets definitely do the job & are worth the money. Also, if like us you are just plain lazy, preferring to get to the painting stage as quickly as possible, these sets will make that nice & easy. Bargain!

Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
Resicast Steerable Axles
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