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T-34/76 1943 HOBBYBOSS 1:48TH


Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
If only more manufacturers would supply a full interior, just like Hobbyboss did with their 1:48th T-34 series.

Sometimes, the exterior detailing on a tank is sufficient to sustain our interest, but seeing the insides of the beast adds an extra level of authenticity. So it’s a real shame not see it more often.

Some manufacturers have occasionally done it, notably Academy & more recently AFV Club, but when Hobbyboss first came onto the market one of their stand-out features was to offer a full interior with some of their earliest releases – notably their T-34s. What’s even more remarkable, was that this was done in 1:48th scale.

We were so impressed, we snapped up their T34/76 (Ref: 84808) which depicts a 1943 tank manufactured at Factory No. 112. When contrasted with, say, Tamiya’s 1:48th releases, the promise of all that interior detail was a real plus.

The model is a little gem – really well-designed with a profusion of parts & details. There are 13 assorted sprues & over 372 components. There’s even some photoetch in the bulging box. The amount of detail that Hobbyboss managed to cram into such a small model kit is truly breathtaking.

The plastic parts are well-moulded in a light grey plastic & the model went together really, really well, with little filler or noteworthy problems. Only the tracks caused a little bit of fiddly inconvenience.

By far the most enjoyable part is constructing & weathering that busy interior which provided hours of fun. Building up the full engine was also a treat, allowing you to appreciate how the real vehicle was put together & how it actually worked.

If you are looking for a great build of one the most technologically advanced tanks of World War Two, this little kit will reward you over & over again. Don’t be put off by the small scale. It is precisely engineered with all the detail & accuracy you’d expect of a larger scale kit. Even now, we still enjoy taking it apart & peering in at all that detail: engine, turret & crew compartment included.

Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
Hobbyboss T-34/76 1943 Factory No.112
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