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Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Prior to World War Two, the Germans equipped their growing armed forces with increasing numbers of all-terrain vehicles

The 6x4 Krupp Protze light truck was one such vehicle. Originally planned as a six-seater troop carrier, the Krupp arms company initiated the development of the off-road, six-wheel chassis themselves, in anticipation of Army orders.

The Wehrmacht duly ordered the vehicle but made it primarily into an artillery tractor or platform lorry. It was most often seen towing the Pak36 anti-tank gun.

The Tamiya model (Ref: 35104) has been around for decades & is periodically re-released.

The Krupp in our collection is memorable because it was a testing ground for our first forays into two useful modelling techniques. The first, was the employment of photoetch, which we tried for the first time for parts of this build. The first of many photoetch sets (this time by Eduard) made its way into our collection.

Likewise, the model also showcases two painting techniques that often go hand-in-hand, winter whitewash & wet mud effects. The former was done using Xtracolor enamels (white) over a Tamiya acrylic basecoat of German Grey. Before the paint had fully set, a thick brush coated in Xtracolor thinners was used to gently rub away the whitewash to reveal the grey basecoat.

As for the mud, this was applied using diluted model putty mixed with sand & grit which was then sprayed in a dark mud colour mixed with gloss varnish.

We’ll be doing a tutorial on this “winter look” technique soon, in the meantime, you can see how it turned out on our 1:35th scale Krupp Protze in our photoset.

Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
Tamiya Krupp Protze Ref. 35104
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