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Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
There’s a vast range of model paints & finishing accessories on the market, this week we review Tamiya’s Lacquer Thinner.

Tamiya acrylics are a great way to paint your models. They are safe, can be diluted with water & will give a good finish. But Tamiya Lacquer Thinner can help improve their performance.

Here in the UK, the yellow-topped Tamiya Lacquer Thinner (Ref: 87077) can be pretty hard to locate. We got ours abroad as we were really keen to give it a go.

Usually most modellers here use the conventional Tamiya Acrylic X-20A thinner (Ref: 81040) to dilute their airbrush coats. It’s widely available in most shops & does a pretty good job. It seems to be an alcohol based thinner that is slightly thicker than water. It has an alcoholic odour that’s not too overpowering – however, as ever, a mask & a spray booth is advisable. When used with the Tamiya XF paint range, it gives a smooth ultra-matt finish.

Its lacquer counterpart is completely different. We used it on our staff car to show you exactly how. Firstly, it appears to be a very strong solvent-based thinner. This stuff smells a lot – it should not be breathed in – so use safety measures.

When mixed & sprayed, it changes the behaviour of the XF paints completely. As you can see in the images, it makes the paint dry thicker, harder & glossier.

Once fully dry, you are left with a smooth but very durable finish that takes decals & washes well.

In our case, we applied further lightened base coats using the Lacquer Thinner. We then built up further coats on top using other paints – in this case Lifecolor - before applying decals & matting the whole model down.

In future, we would probably use Lacquer Thinner for big projects, i.e. larger models requiring good coverage, a durable base coat & a solid foundation for multiple weathering coats.

All in all, it is well worth using, but the only inconvenience is its overpowering stench & the care needed handling the stuff. That means you can’t just crack on with painting a quick coat - we certainly think twice before we use it & only do so when we are ready to don our masks, gloves & safety gear & are ready to endure the toxic pong.

Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner
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